Sunday, August 13, 2017

Get Positive Live Positive By Melinda Carver

Recently on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites, my friends have been asking for good books to read.  Well, I just finished "Get Positive Live Positive" by Melinda Carver.  First, let me say I am not much for books like this.  I generally read historical texts, biographies, and real crime but something about this book pulled me in.  Maybe it was the bright yellow cover; it could have been the reviews on the back cover that raved about Melinda.

I had some time to sit down and read it last weekend and yes I read it in one day!  I had a tough time putting it down.  Melinda writes in a very easy to follow manner and with simple diagrams.  Her message is one of love and understanding that we all need to hear in a time when everyone is rushing out and trying to achieve with no idea how to do it.

Carver taps into a concept that psychology has told us are true for years.  Thinking positively affects brain chemistry and also your bodies reaction to stress.  This also plays a significant role  in your health (Fiske, 2014.)  I have tried several of the techniques outlined in the book for the past few days and have noticed a marked difference in my life and my attitude.  If nothing else this book brings to the forefront self-care and our need to take put ourselves first more often.

To give you a sample here is my list of positive traits I say to myself.
  1. I am beautiful
  2. I am kind
  3. I am strong

Get Positive Live Positive is available on Melinda Carver's website, Amazon, Walmart, and Barns and Noble.

Fiske, S. T. (2014). Social beings: core motives in social psychology. Hoboken: Wiley. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Kathy for your wonderful review of my book Get Positive Live Positive! I appreciate it and wish you all the best!
